ZACHSHELP: Custom, Professional, $-Making Affiliate Programs Made FOR YOU
Yes, we do the hard work for you. Imagine thousands of people selling for you and you don't pay until they get you a sale...let us make affiliate marketing WORK for you.
👉 This is what's not taught elsewhere.
👉 You need to answer: your business, verticals, current + future offerings & opportunity, your middleman audience + end-target audience, tracking, advertising, education + onboarding for affiliates, ad scripts, and more.
👉 Well, we made a free guide that will answer those questions.
📲 Fill the form below to get your free guide - it will be $10 in the future.
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Want us to do all of the hard work for you?
Once you know more about your business, current & potential offerings, audience segments, tracking, advertising, educating and onboarding, scaling, and more...you might see that it's a LOT of work.
Well 95% of companies don't do affiliate marketing correctly. That's why we're here. And rather than just educate (which our guide does), we provide actual service - doing the hard work for you.
If you want to join the affiliate marketing mentorship, so you can relax while we do the hard work, click the button below or BOOK a call at the top of the screen (Understanding affiliate marketing | Call) or email zach@zachshelp.com with the subject line "mentorship".